The Momentôm Experience

terrasse privée et spa unité Echo Momentôm

Momentôm, a glamping experience at its peak!

Our ready-to-camp units have been developed in close collaboration with the Biome Canada team. This is quebec-based company has a great deal of expertise in the field of ready-to-camp.

We were looking for a product reminiscent of the concept of luxurious African tents but adapted for our Quebec climate.  We succeeded and developed a very comfortable and luxurious tent for two!  What better way after a day full of activities and sightseeing, than finding a comfortable place with all the amenities, located right in the middle of the mountains and the forest in Charlevoix!

 4 seasons units

You will find with us a unique type of home combining luxury, comfort and originality. Our units are available for both winter and summer rentals.

Our mini-houses have their own private terrace and spa. A radiant floor and a wall fireplace ensure absolute comfort and an unusual atmosphere. You will have access to a full kitchenette and bathroom and all accessories are included to allow you to stay without hassle.

All were thought through; each unit was built in connection with one of the four elements. All accessories have been meticulously chosen. Everything is provided: bedding, bath towels and kitchen accessories.

Minichalet de luxe pour deux glamping Hébergement Charlevoix avec spa privé près du Massif de Charlevoix

Glamp in one of the four elements

The choice of our glamping unit’s names has been delightfully challenging and in connection with the 4 elements of nature.  Our goal was to disclose meaningful and original names.

While staying in one of our tiny cabins, you will identify specific accessories, decor and scents unique to each theme and you will be able to make narrow connections to the 4 elements: fire, earth, air and water.

At Momentôm, we do own strong values:  we want to make your glamping stay comfortable, enjoyable and memorable.  All the indoor and outdoor elements have been meticulously picked and designed in the highest respect of our themes.

nouveau design molo

This unit represents «water».  You will be invited to relax on a low pace, without rushing.  Slowly, without excess and without forcing.  In a décor in shades of blue, white and turquoise, all the accessories are intimately linked to the theme.  The chic design will transport you into a relaxed and very Molo atmosphere!

molo élément eau Momentôm
tempo élément terre Momentôm

Finally, the perfect time to take your well-being urgently.  Put your temporal metronome on lightness.  The Tempo represents the «Earth» element.  Adorned with shades of brown, charcoal, in a perfect symbiosis with the colors of the earth.  From then on, you will have the opportunity to choose the rhythm of your stay.  Time is non-renewable.  Use it with the right Tempo!

From the storm, calm is reborn.  Finding zenitude in chaos will make perfect sense here and has never been easier.  Carefully decorated in shades of orange, gold, white and black, the Chaos represents the «fire» element.  It is often in chaos that we reconnect to the magic, to the magnificent!  This unit will allow you to embrace chaos quite differently…

Chaos élément feu Momentôm
echo element air Momentôm

An echo: the resonance of sounds in the air and Charlevoix mountains!  The meaning of enjoying the present moment.  This unit represents the «Air» element.  Decorated in light blue, gold and white, you will be overwhelmed by bright and refreshing colours.  Come here to create memories… the echo that will continue to strike your imagination when your experience is extinguished!

La « Karma » . In Sanskrit, Karma means “action” and in the collective imagination can also manifest itself as a blessing that falls on us! Your gestures and actions will therefore have led you here. In a perfect natural environment! You will be invited to calm your actions and cultivate positive intentions. As thought creates, you will find yourself in the ideal environment to give free rein to your thoughts, your reflections and perhaps thus change your Karma??!

Karma élément eau Momentôm
montage taiga

La « Taïga ». This new Taïga glamping unit, represents our second version of the  “Earth” element. This introduces us at a slow pace, into a majestic setting where nature alternates between rivers and coniferous forests. The Taiga of the Canadian Shield is an ecological crossroads where soils, plants, birds and mammals from two worlds meet: the boreal and the Arctic climate.

La « Magma» .Here is our second version of the Fire element. Enter here into a state of fusion with nature. Let the lava of time flow and find a certain fluidity in your state of mind. Carefully decorated in tones of black, gray and ashen hues, La Magma and its warm environment will certainly allow you to calm your emotional outbursts!

Magma élément feu Momentôm
montage Aura Momentôm

La « Aura ». Aura, this halo of light that radiates around a being. In this unit, you will be overwhelmed by bright and refreshing colors. You will be surrounded by the energies of nature and will be inspired by the invigorating decor. It represents our second version of the Air element. There is a calm and latent atmosphere. Decorated with colors from the sky, yellow, white, pink and purplish hues, come here to find a certain vital force and let yourself be invaded by the pure air of the Charlevoix mountains!

Pause the time to contemplate the sky!

« Tell me what your element is…

      …I will tell you in which glamping unit to stay in»

Air is associated with pure white colors and to the imaginary.

Astrological air signs are:  Gemini, Balance and Aquarius.  They are articulate and are perfectly agile to transform their thoughts into words.  They are bright and impulsive.

Sociability, communication, effervescence and self-expression are all emerging traits of their personalities.

Their overcoming challenges are to learn to ground themselves and to appreciate the present moment.

Earth is related to the green color, fertility and trust.

This element represents cartesian people, patience, strength, stability and cautiousness.  Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn are the astrological signs associated with earth.  They symbolize productivity and creativity.

Earth is the element on which we can rely on to construct solid bases.

The challenges of these astrological earth signs are to elevate themselves to avoid being stuck in limiting beliefs.  They also have to loosen up and to let go their strict mindset on a daily basis.


Dynamism, optimism, honesty, impulsiveness, nervousness, vividness all qualifying this element.

Fire is associated with red, orange and gold, to the warmth of south and summer season, rivalry and warrior characters.

Astrological signs are Leo, Sagittarius and Aries.  Endowed with courage, strength and determination.

The challenges these signs are facing are to learn how to content themselves, to channel their energy and to be more patient!

Water is associated with blue, sensitivity, intuition, emotions and dreams.

The astrological signs are Cancer, Scorpion and Pisces.  They demonstrate lots of empathy, own philanthropic qualities and are lunatic.

Water represents a world of feelings and is related to healing and conscious awareness.

These signs have to calm down their emotions and clarify their insights!